The Cosmic Ordering Club

Your Manifesting Membership  

You’ve probably heard about Law of Attraction, Manifesting & Cosmic Ordering.

They are all names for the SAME process.

Aligning your vibration to draw in matching frequencies and therefore experiences.


We are all made from energy, and energy is magnetic.

This is great news!

We can deliberately change our energy by working on what we think and how we feel.

Sounds easy, right?

Yes and No.


It CAN be easy and we want to show you how...


Meet Claire Mitchell & Kate Spencer  

Two down-to-earth northern girls making magic happen.

Claire is MAGICAL at Manifesting.

She’s aligned with what she wants, and it comes in when she wants it.

From perfect parking spaces to a 'big house with a cottage, a barn, 6 acres, a river, trees and bluebells',

The Universe has fulfilled her orders, big and small and continues to do so.


Kate LIVES the Law of Attraction.

She knows all about vibration, mindset and energy. 

Clearing blocks, getting aligned and allowing more in is her speciality.

Kate has manifested some amazing things including her dream house with a swimming pool! 


Two Women, One Intention.

To help YOU create a life you LOVE.

And we aren’t just talking about 'stuff ' here, we want you to feel connected, filled up, whole, healthy and HAPPY.

We want you to feel like you are winning at life and that it's full of joy and fun and laughter.

We want you to feel that you are living right into your purpose and that you’re nourished and loved and right in the middle of The Flow of all things good.

Because THIS amplifies it even more!

You attract what you feel, so the better you feel the more goodness comes in.


Sounds Good?

If you’re feeling the fizz right now, read on….

We have a SUPER Special Founder Member Offer for you.

Right now you can join for just £12 per month.

That’s such amazing value you could be forgiven for doubting how good we are at this!

Yes we could charge more, but we want to help as many people as possible.

Nicola cosmic

We know that every life we can help to change will change a whole family and will ripple out positive vibes into a community, and into the collective consciousness of humanity.  

These are the seeds we want to plant and help grow, for all of us.

The Flow is not limited, we want you to succeed just as we are.


What You Get

We’ve kept it simple deliberately. Just 3 facets.

And 3 is a Magic Number after all!

- Cosmic Ordering Content

From the nuts and bolts through to vision boards, paradoxical intent, clearing your vibration and more. We’ll take you on a journey that will help you to cosmically call in the improvements that will make THE most difference in the key areas of your life. A different angle every month, so you get the big picture AND the action steps.

- Co- Creation Community

When everyone wants the best for everyone else, the intention magnifies several times over.

Learning together, celebrating our wins and sharing our stories helps us all to stay in a higher vibration and attract more experiences to us that we want, and less that we don’t.

You become like the people you hang around with, so why not hang around with like-minded, positive folks that want us all to win? This helps the process to work FASTER.

- Claire & Kate

We love, love, love this stuff!

Both of us are indeed blessed with a whole load of happiness in different ways, and we are still in awe, amazement, and gratitude that what we align with can show up.

We want YOU to experience your best version of your life here on earth.

This is us 10 years ago at Kate's first book launch for the first Twelve Lessons book that went on to be a Best Seller around the world - (Kate Cosmic-Ordered that one).

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By living into this desire, we know that we too are drawing in more goodness in two ways.


One is called The Observer Effect, by intending, observing or visualising YOU getting what you want we are helping to create that in your reality (manifesting becomes easier for you because we are sending out the frequency that YOU are attracting what you want)

The second is that by having a focus on being happy for others we remain in The Flow ourselves.

Observing success radiates a frequency of success, so the more we want you to have and the more we notice it, the more we all get.


It’s the ultimate Win / Win AND you can get on board by doing the same for us and other members! 

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per month
  1. Cosmic-ordering content
  2. Co-creation community
  3. Claire & Kate as coaches



per year
  1. Cosmic-ordering content
  2. Co-creation community
  3. Claire & Kate as coaches

So what do you say?

We would LOVE you to join us because we know this works.

AND if you are reading this then you’re probably looking for a positive change and shift in your world.

We are holding the intention that the RIGHT people come that we can help.

If you’re feeling curious or excited then that could be a sign to give it a go!

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Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 09.03.11

Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.