Simplero - My FAVOURITE 100K Business Tool

claire blog (4)

I’ve tried and tested lots of software and apps over the years while I’ve grown my business. Some are free, some are paid, all of them play a huge part in making my business a success.

Out of all of them, the one I’ve come back to, the one that has given me a MASSIVE return on investment many times over, the one I use every day and LOVE using is…. SIMPLERO

Simplero is my spiritual business home and honestly, I don’t usually gush about software.

The thing is, Simplero and me, we’ve had a bit of a journey. I started out with Simplero and we broke up a few years ago, because I wanted it to handle sending out my marketing planners and it's just not made for that...

So I moved away and ended up in a world of tech confusion and expense. 4 years later, I’m back and I love it more than ever having seen what it’s like on the non-Simplero dark side.

During my 4 years in the wilderness I used a lot of different course-delivery sites and customer relationship management software including: Infusionsoft (tried that twice, made me cry with frustration both times and cost me a fortune!), Thinkific (needed a bunch of extra paid software to get sales and financial reports plus over £3000 in custom coding just to try and make it look nice and it was STILL buggy), AccessAlly on Wordpress (I loved it but it got really wobbly once I went over 500 members – and didn’t work well with the other WP plugins I needed on my site at that time) and more.

Most of them didn’t do what I needed, I always felt I was compromising.

In addition, with the exception of Infusionsoft, I had to get a bunch of other software in place to handle the rest of my business needs including emails, landing pages, opt-ins, pop ups, customer service and more.

It got pretty complicated and VERY expensive and I was always at the mercy of software updates and conflicts sending my site wonky. 

Then I went back to Simplero. It still doesn't handle my Planners but I've compromised and I use Woocommerce for that. It's no big deal, I still LOVE Simplero.

Let me tell you about Simplero.

  • Simplero handles my emails and automations. It has an excellent delivery rate because it doesn’t have fancy templates. My emails are very basic and they work brilliantly. My last email campaign netted me over £30k in 10 days with basic, automated emails and a timed sales page. I consistently get over 20% open rates which in my industry, with my size of list is incredible - I put it down to a combination of my irresistible emails and Simplero's simple design that doesn't get trapped in spam filters.

  • Simplero handles my customer service and because it’s linked to customer accounts, we have an audit trail and history for every support ticket for every customer. It saves us loads of time and money.

  • Simplero handles my list-building, landing pages and sales pages and because it also handles my products and payment, it works beautifully together. Page design is all done via drag and drop.

    There are some AMAZING features like timed publishing/unpublishing of page sections, which meant I could do a 10-day sale on one page, publishing and unpublishing each section automatically by date - with other software I would have had to set up 10 PAGES aaaaaargh!

  • Simplero handles my payments and doesn’t take a fee for that. I use Stripe and Paypal and it works beautifully.

  • Simplero handles my subscriptions for my memberships. My clients have their own very user-friendly account page where they can manage payments, cancel, upgrade etc and at our end we have unbelievable functionality to help customers. We can change subscription dates and payments at their request, set off automations, add products, resend emails, just everything you can think of and more that used to be a real headache with other software, if indeed it was even possible.

  • Simplero handles my content, beautifully. I have ALL my classes, courses and memberships on there and it’s super-easy for clients to access. It’s also super-easy for ME to set up and maintain. There is loads of functionality and flexibility as to how things work and look.

  • Simplero hosts my videos - no need for external paid video hosting with Vimeo, it’s all built in.

When I came back to Simplero this time, they didn’t offer the ability to add subtitles to videos. I explained it was a deal-breaker for me to ensure accessibility, and within 3 days they had implemented it. Unbelievable.

This is the Simplero way.

Calvin and his team are ALWAYS working on improvements. Every other day when I log in there is another ‘fix or improvement’ message and they come up with some amazing ideas.

My latest favourite was the ability to show certain bits of certain pages, from sales pages to internal member pages, to different people depending on what tab they have. This came in really useful when I published my Social Media Sensation product, with a rolling 12 month subscription. Depending on when you join, you see a different set of links for your particular 12 months. I love it!

I’m sure I’ve missed out a load of stuff, and I will go back in and update this when I think of new things to rave about.

Simplero is not the cheapest. I tried the cheapest and they were rubbish. I’ve tried more expensive and they weren’t as good as Simplero.

Simplero is reliable and easy to use for me and my clients, which is worth its weight in gold having had to move platforms due to unreliability 3 times in the last 3 years.

Simplero is worth the investment and because it’s so easy to use, I can set up an offer within an hour or so and get a return on my investment the same day.

My 10-day sale took a day to set up with EVERYTHING because my courses, list and payments were all part of the same system. I can tell you it would have take me a WEEK before Simplero, plus much wailing and hair-tearing.

I’m really happy to answer questions if you have them.

I have an affiliate link here, which is a wonderful and special thing because I’m currently only an affiliate for a very VERY select few. I’m VERY choosy about what and whom I recommend because I want to be confident you are spending your hard-earned cash on really excellent quality.

I’m 100% happy to recommend Simplero, so that should say something.

Finally, I have to mention Calvin and his team. Their support is fantastic. Nothing is too much trouble.

I always get answers and solutions back within a few hours. They are patient and lovely and always ready to help, unlike SOME software support teams I’ve dealt with!

Simplero is only going to get better, which is hard to believe as I can’t really see how to improve it, and Calvin regularly shares his plans and ideas in the Simplero group and on the Simplero social media accounts.

If you’re serious about growing a big online business you HAVE to give Simplero a try. It has kick-started my sales again because I can focus on helping customers and creating what they need, rather than sorting out tech headaches.

You’re welcome.


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