Welcome to the BIG Marketing Challenge!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Join our 3-Day Big Marketing Challenge for only £7 (usually £97)!

(approx USD $9, CAD $12, EURO €8 , AUD $13)

We know running your own business can be tough, especially when it comes to marketing. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Our Big Marketing Challenge is designed just for you. No fancy jargon, no complicated strategies—just simple, practical steps to help you grow your business and reach more customers.

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Why Do You Need This Challenge?

Marketing is the lifeblood of any business. Without it, even the best products and services can go unnoticed. Here’s why marketing is crucial for your success:

  • Visibility: Marketing helps you get your business in front of the right people. The more people who know about you, the more potential customers you have.

  • Growth: Effective marketing strategies can drive sales and revenue, helping your business grow faster.

  • Customer Connection: Good marketing builds relationships with your customers, making them more likely to buy from you again and recommend you to others.

  • Competitive Edge: In today’s crowded market, standing out is essential. Marketing gives you the tools to differentiate your business from the competition.

Our Big Marketing Challenge will give you the skills and strategies to make your business shine!

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What’s in store for you DURING OUR 3-DAY CHALLENGE?

Day 1: Identifying Your Ideal Customer

  • Let’s figure out who your perfect customer is!
  • We’ll help you understand their needs, desires, and where they hang out online.
  • By the end of Day 1, you’ll have a clear picture of who you’re selling to, so you can tailor your marketing to attract those buyers.

Day 2: Crafting Irresistible Offers

  • Learn how to create offers that your customers can’t resist.
  • We’ll show you how to stack value, add bonuses, and set the right price.
  • You’ll leave Day 2 with an offer that’s too good for your customers to pass up.
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Day 3: Amplifying Your Message

  • Discover the secrets to getting your message out there.
  • We’ll teach you how to use social proof and social media to attract more customers.
  • By the end of Day 3, you’ll have a plan to reach and engage your audience.
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Why join the Big Marketing Challenge?

  • Affordable: Just £7 (USD $9, CAD $12, EURO €8 , AUD $13) for three days of invaluable learning and growth (with lifetime access).

  • Fun and Friendly: Our sessions are designed to be interactive, engaging, and easy to follow.

  • Actionable: Each day comes with simple, but powerful homework to help you implement what you’ve learned.

  • Supportive Community: Join a private online group where you can share your progress, get feedback, and connect with other amazing small-business owners.
Who is this for?

Small-business owners who want to grow their business.

Anyone who feels overwhelmed by marketing and wants clear, simple guidance.

Entrepreneurs ready to take action and see real results. 

Ready to transform your business?

Sign up now for just £7(USD $9, CAD $12, EURO €8 , AUD $13) and secure your spot in the Big Marketing Challenge!

We can’t wait to see you there and help you take your business to new heights!




I’m Claire Mitchell, founder of The Girls Mean Business ®. I've been helping small-business owners with marketing, business growth, confidence and mindset since 2011, before that I had my own marketing agency and before that I worked in marketing roles since 1993 (I'm quite old). I live in beautiful North Yorkshire with my husband, teenage daughter, dog and six chickens, but I'm originally from lovely County Durham.

As Featured In:


Q: When are the daily sessions? A: Our sessions will run at 12.00 noon UK time (BST) from Wednesday 19th June - Friday 21st June 2024.

Q: What if I can’t make the live sessions? A: No problem! All sessions will be recorded and available for you to watch at your convenience.

Q: How long are the daily sessions? A: Each session is about an hour long, with time for Q&A and interactive activities.

Q: What type of business is it for? A: ANY type of business. I'll teach foundational marketing that will work in any business, no matter where in the world you're based.

Q: Is this challenge suitable for beginners? A: Absolutely! We use clear, simple language and provide practical, step-by-step guidance. No prior marketing knowledge needed.

Q: What do I need to participate? A: Just an internet connection and a device to watch the sessions. A notebook for jotting down ideas might be handy too!

Q: Can I interact with other participants? A: Yes! You’ll have access to a private online group where you can share your progress, ask questions, and get support from other participants.

Don’t miss out—join the Big Marketing Challenge today and start growing your business!

If you have questions we haven't answered here, pop an email to hello@thegirlsmeanbusiness.com and we'll get back to you asap.

Sign Up Now for Just £7! (USD $9, CAD $12, EURO €8 , AUD $13)