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How long have you been trying to get your online courses and classes off the ground?

If you’re like most people, you’re great with ideas and planning but when it comes to putting it into action? Well, it doesn’t come easily.

So those great ideas and potential income streams never get launched.

They stay in your head, or in a notebook or even on your computer as half-finished projects.

I used to struggle with this too, especially when Chloe was little or later on, when I had brain-foggy days.

I found a couple of things helped. This is my approach:

  1. Stop creating huge courses and go for small, simple, light-touch offers.

  2. Stop giving yourself time to overthink.

Once I put this approach into practise, I was far more productive and generated way more income.

Of course there’s a place for big online courses but if you just want to get the money flowing, they are a big chunky thing to build, sell and launch. It can take a LONG time.

What if you got into the habit of creating small offers, fast and just getting them out there?

How good does that sound?

It’s how I built my business and how my clients build theirs.

And building it up so it brings in 2K each month like this is so FREEING.

It means you get a proper salary without selling your time by the hour.

It means you can reduce your in-person hours.

It means you can drop your time spent working for others, or maybe give it up altogether.


claire woolly hat

Hi, I'm Claire and this is what I look like when I'm not all 'poshed-up' for a photo shoot! I'm a mum and a business coach. I run my multiple-six-figure business part-time around my family.

I live in my dream property in North Yorkshire, with 6 acres, trees, a river with a millpond, loads of wildlife, a cottage for my mum, a barn for my husband's business and chickens! 

It wasn't always this way. I started my business 20K in debt in 2011 after I had to liquidate my marketing agency (long story). My first target was ÂŁ1200 per month to cover my share of the mortgage and bills. 

My next target was consistent 2k months because I knew if I could achieve that, the business would grow. And it did.

There is a formula to making consistent 2k months. I figured it out early on and I am still using that formula today to hit ÂŁ40-ÂŁ50K months because it works.

It doesn't involve sales calls. It just involves you being yourself and implementing the secrets I'll teach you in the 2K MONTH FORMULA.


I'll share the simple process I used to get my first 2K months - I still use it today on my ÂŁ40-50K months. This process will help you build strong foundations in your business, that you can build upon and scale going forwards.

You don't have to be techie. You don't have to have a huge audience (although an email list of any size will speed things up). You ideally need to have online products such as classes, courses, e-books or online bundles ready to go, as I won't be teaching you to create them in this course.

You can watch the bite-sized training videos on your phone so you can up-level your business around your life.

You’ll be invited to my exclusive 2K Month Formula client group where you’ll get support and also be able to see what everyone else is doing, which is the best way to get inspired and take action.

Claire working at soft play

I've been following this process I'm teaching since the beginning of my business. And I mean right back when I was looking after a toddler and working from soft play!

I do it this way because it's an easy way to get new clients, who then go on to buy again and spend more.

Those buyers become the foundation of your business.

  • They will be your future 1:1s.

  • They will buy your higher-priced programmes.

  • They will join your memberships.

  • They will inspire you to come up with new offers.

  • They will be your success stories and case studies.

  • They will give you testimonials.

If you're struggling to sell your offers, this process will help.

PS: That photo is from around 2014 and I spent a LOT of time there!



Powerful, step-by-step, bite-sized training designed to get you learning quickly, implementing fast and seeing results as soon as possible. We'll cover:

I'll show you how my 2K Month Formula works and how I use it in my business. I'll show you the steps and explain how you can tailor it to your business.

Learn how to create compelling, light-touch
™, no-brainer offers your buyers will love.

Get leads and buyers. You do not need 10K followers or subscribers to hit 2K months. Learn how to grow your leads and hit 2K months from a tiny audience.


  • Printable workbook to record Your Learning
  • Action steps for each module to help you implement, fast
  • 2K Month Product Designer - no more struggling with how much to put in and what to charge!
  •  2K Month Formula Sheet
  • 2K Month Calculator
  • 2K Month Planner
  • Facebook group membership
  • Watch on the go with our app
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I posted a digital download planner for sale at $10 USD and sold 136 in less then 19 days using Claire’s system. 


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For a single payment of just ÂŁ99 you get lifetime access to the training and resources, to help you get ahead of the game, build structure into your business and generate consistent cash every single month.

testimonial pics (150 x 150 px) (1)

I was hoping for 5 sales of my €197 course but I got 10! I'm absolutely over the moon and for the first time, I didn't offer a discount



Who is this for?

Coaches, experts and business owners who want to hit consistent 2K months in their business with light-touch online products and no-brainer offers.

What sort of businesses does it work for?

It works for any business in any sector. If you know how to create online products then it's for you.

How long do I have access?

You have lifetime access.

Can I watch this offline?

Yes, in our Simplero app.

Is this included in any of your memberships?

No it's a stand-alone product.

Can I get a refund?

No, as this is a digital product we do not offer refunds.


"Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money."